
The reconstruction process started immediately. At the time of my mastectomy expanders were placed in my breasts. These expanders are basically a deflated water balloon which are slowly filled up with saline to expand the size of the breasts and stretch out the skin and peck muscle. The process takes anywhere from 4-6 weeks depending on what size you are wanting your implants to be. Having expanders gives your body the necessary time to heal form the mastectomy and slowly stretch the skin to avoid stretch marks. I had my first fill about 2 weeks after my surgery, and I was so nervous about the process. Thankfully the entire thing only took about 10-15 minutes and was pretty painless and easy. The nurse would find the port where the needle will go by putting a magnet over my chest. The magnetic would connect to the magnetic port under my skin and muscle. Once located the nurse would circle the spot with a marker. She would then open all the supply bags and prep for the injection. She first cleansed the two spots with iodine several times and very thoroughly. Then she would stick a needle into the circled spot, which would be attached to a tube that was then inserted into a large syringe. She would then fill the syringe with saline water, up to 50cc’s. She then slowly ejects the saline solution into each of my breast. On my first expansion I received 50cc’s and my nurse told em that the doctor has put 50cc in a the time of surgery. So after my first fill I had a total of 100cc in each breast. They still looked deflated, bumpy and weird but it started to feel a little more normal.

About 1 week later I went back for another fill and received 80cs. 2 weeks later at around 5 weeks post op I received my third fill of another 80cc and was then at a total of 260cc. This fill I felt in my back and my chest as they became tight and achy. A little over a week later I was back for my third and final fill. I was hoping to receive another 80cc which would put me around a C cup which was my goal. My nurse only got to 35cc and said my skin looked really tight and we should stop there. This brought each breast to a total of 295cc. To me they size seemed close to what I was before surgery which was a B cup. My nurse and doctor saw me this day and evaluated my progress. My doctor said they would start working on scheduling my surgery for about 4-6 weeks out. I requested to have my breast surgeon coordinate with my gynecologic surgeon so I can have the implant exchange surgery done at the same time as the salpingo-oophorectomy.

It has now been 7 weeks since my last fill and my meeting with my surgeon. I still do not have a surgery date due to delays caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic. My expanders are uncomfortable an I’m still adjusting to their presence. My nurse assured me that the silicone implants would not only look better but would be much more comfortable. I am so anxious to get my next surgeries scheduled so I can complete my journey. I’m looking forward to the moment I can reach the top of this mountain I’m climbing and be free to live my life without constant fear!